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Join a community of like-minded people striving to protect our wildlife & wild places

By becoming a member of your Wildlife Trust your money will help look after the wildlife and wild places in your area, and support your Trust in their work to inspire people about nature, including working with local schools and communities.

Everybody's experience with wildlife is personal and joining your local Wildlife Trust can help you to discover more about nature in your local area. There are 46 Wildlife Trusts covering the whole of the UK - usually one per county. Find yours below...

Spending family time outdoors is really important to us. By joining the Trust we have discovered lots of new places to explore!
Member of Cumbria Wildlife Trust

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The Wildlife Trusts play a very important part in protecting our natural heritage. I would encourage anyone who cares about wildlife to join them
Sir David Attenborough

Other ways to make a difference for marine wildlife

Grey seals touching noses © Lindsey Dickings/NW Evening Mail

Grey seals touching noses © Lindsey Dickings/NW Evening Mail

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Shoresearch volunteers on the beach
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