Marine policy

Sole © Amy Lewis

Sole © Amy Lewis

Marine conservation projects

Marine policy

Irish Sea Marine Advocacy Programme

Since 2010, the North West Wildlife Trusts have been working to protect the Irish Sea. The Irish Sea Marine Advocacy Programme aims to influence the designation and appropriate management of Marine Protected Areas in order to restore the Irish Sea to the Wildlife Trusts’ vision for Living Seas.

To achieve this, there is a continued need to: increase public and political awareness and action in support of marine conservation; raise the profile of the diversity of species and habitats present in the Irish Sea; and develop a sense of value for our marine life in the Irish Sea where public perception of the sea can be quite poor. Crucial to each of these aspects is the need to increase knowledge through the collection of data and images to strengthen the evidence base for the Marine Protected Area network and stimulate public and political support.

Our key outcomes

♦ Marine life of the Irish Sea is protected through the designation and appropriate management of Marine Protected Areas

♦ Irish Sea NGOs and statutory agencies work together towards shared success

♦ People of north-west England are inspired to take action to protect the Irish Sea       


Basking shark feeding on planton ©Alexander Mustard/2020VISION

Basking shark ©Alexander Mustard/2020VISION

We campaign to protect marine life

We raise awareness about issues affecting our marine life, advocate for the designation of a network of marine protected areas, and champion the sustainable management of our seas. Find out more about what we do in each of our main work areas:

Irish Sea Network  Marine Protected Areas  Fisheries  

Development  Pollution & Litter

Our headline impacts over the past 6 years

1. Challenging and changing the perceptions of communities in the North West about the value of wildlife in the Irish Sea. People now understand how important the Irish Sea is for wildlife and care about its protection.

6,000 people responded in support of MPAs
45 radio and TV interviews to raise awareness
35,000 People took part in over 350 events
95 % people felt more inspired to take action

2. Raising the profile of marine conservation in the Irish Sea within the Wildlife Trust movement throughout the UK

'Living Seas' features in strategic business plans
24 Graduates trained to help increase reach & impact
Living Seas Ambassadors & Champions at each Trust
1 million raised for marine conservation projects

3. Securing the designation and management of a number of Marine Protected Areas throughout the Irish Sea and the conservation of the wider marine environment

10 Marine Conservation Zones designated
We made Marine Conservation Zones bigger & better
15 % responses to public consultation generated
Input into the revision of fisheries management